Wednesday, May 30, 2018

An Open Invitation for Dinner at ICMC 2018

The 2018 International Campus Ministry Conference will be held in my hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio in July. I'm issuing an open invitation to any member of the International Churches of Christ who will be in Cincinnati during this time for dinner at my expense. We'll dine on the Queen City's finest: SkylineGold StarLaRosa's, or perhaps some special hole-in-the-wall joint.

Why am I doing this? I want to provide a safe place for ICOC members to talk that's outside of the ICMC sphere. We could discuss Andy Fleming's church growth article. Or perhaps ICOC 3.0. Or the status of the 2020 Vision. Both men and women are invited. (I'm bringing my wife!)

I'm also open to meeting any members of the team planting the Columbus International Christian Church, including Coltin Rohn. Don't worry, I'll arrange separate meals for both groups.

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